Thursday, April 16, 2009

something else

I feel like making a list.
So, here you are...

1) a peaceful song : "Pony" by Diana Jones

2) ~Something to consider

~What are you doing for Earth Day? I think I'll be planting trees with my sister this year.

4)This is the most random list ever made. And was probably an attempt to avoid writing a research paper. I am the only person I know who avoids writing by writing. And tomorrow night I can procrastinate, yet again, by going to see Livingston Taylor perform at a local church or something.

Procrastination over.
La bonne nuit, mes petits choux!

1 comment:

mullallyfan101 said...

hey thats funny, i'm doing the same thing on earth day! :) planting trees and flowers with my sister! xo