Monday, May 4, 2009

PBS for my PMS

May 4, 5 p.m. I am officially exhausted/depressed from school stress, the joys of pre-menstrual syndrome (syndrome? really? there's something wrong with me?), putting together a surprise birthday party for mi madre, and more.
So what does one do when they're feeling down? Well apparently, if you're me, you get the genius idea of watching documentaries that will only depress you more. The other night I watched Sharkwater which was incredibly informative and all, but nonetheless a bummer, and not something to watch if you are A) craving a less intelligent form of distraction or B) a fan of sharks. Now I must acknowledge that the day I saw Jaws as a ten-year-old kid was the day that the beach bum in me died a little... which is why, before seeing this film, I was not a shark-lover. Post-viewing Sharkwater, however, I am much more aware of how essential these predators are to even our own survival... Instead of fearing them, we have to realize that our existence actually depends on theirs being continued- yet, they are endangered creatures right now.
Like I said, it was a sad documentary- But I learned my lesson!- After today has been thoroughly killed with classes/research papers/etc. I plan on doing something a bit more upbeat and cheerful!... PBS documentary on the genocide of Native Americans anyone?
And speaking of genocide, please remind me: Why are we still allowing the government of Sudan to commit such atrocities?

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